Case Study: SEO for a Landscape Design/Build Company in New York

When this landscape design and build company came to us almost three years ago, we started our relationship with a brand-new website that better represented their brand and their projects. But this case study isn’t about that website — because regardless of how beautiful a site is (or not), a new website on its own doesn’t bring more website visitors. That would be like hosting a party and not sending invites. This landscape company understood this concept, since they had previously tried other search engine optimization companies without success. 

Around October 2016, we kicked off their new search engine optimization efforts. We began by identifying the most searched keywords in their service areas along with cities that had the best HHI (household income) and population combination. With weekly, professionally written articles targeting these keywords along with new local landing pages and high-quality backlinks, this landscape design/build company now has 45% of the keywords being tracked on the first page (first 10 spots) of searches. They began with only 5% of their tracked keywords on that page! 

We use percentages in this case study since over time, we’ve added some keywords and cities, which has increased the total number of keywords from 149 to 207.


And of course, keyword rankings are great, but we know traffic matters even more. Consider this: The site saw experienced a 500% increase in the month of October traffic in two years. As everyone knows in this industry, October isn’t exactly peak month, but we figure we’d use that as the indicator since that was the first month of SEO for this landscape design/build.

SEO for landscape design build company in NY

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