2 CrewRecruiter Email Templates to Help You Save Time


The Content Team,

CrewRecruiter’s email templates save valuable time. With the click of a button, you can send a personalized message to a single applicant or a batch of applicants, eliminating wasted time spent sending individual emails with a similar message to every applicant. 

Template #1: Thanks, But No Thanks

If you’re hiring a foreman and the applicant notes that they don’t have a driver’s license, you can automatically send a “Thanks, But No Thanks” email message using this template. It’s already available for you, but if you prefer different wording or content, you can contact your Project Manager, and we can change the template. 

Template #2: Schedule an Interview

When you’ve identified your top candidates, there are two CrewRecruiter interview request email templates already available for use. If you want to make changes to either template, reach out to your Project Manager, and we can customize them.

A short phone conversation can improve the show-up rate for in-person interviews. With the “Phone Interview Request” email template, you can select a date and time that works for you and ask the applicant to confirm or decline the appointment. Here’s an example:

Another option is to use a “Schedule a Phone Interview” template that is connected to your calendar. The applicant can select the date and time that works for them, eliminating the back and forth while scheduling. Here’s an example:

To set up an email template, or if you have questions or need assistance with email templates, reach out to your Project Manager. 

The Halstead Team

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