Modern Lead Generation for Landscape Architects

Modern Lead Generation for Landscape Architects

The way homeowners find and hire architects today—like many other segments of the home services industry—is drastically different than just 5 short years ago. While word-of-mouth advertising and media attention is still relevant, most of it has shifted online. And just like all other purchasing decisions - over 80% of your potential customers are researching before they call you (of course, online). So what are the three ways to drive leads online today?

Blog for Traffic

Lead generation for landscape architects is now all about content. The more that architecture firms produce regular, useful content for their prospects, the more they will position themselves to win new customers. Getting found online and SEO begins with great content. Architects absolutely need a blog on their company's page—this will be the main hub for all the content produced. From there, social campaigns and email campaigns are born. Remember, blogging about your company projects and events isn't blogging for traffic or leads. Up to 10% of your blog content should be about you - the rest should be about helping, educating, inspiring your potential clients. 

Related:Is Traditional Marketing Dead?

Landing Pages and Forms

Marketing for Architects using the Inbound Methodology-  lead generation. 

Blogs are great for short form content, but in order to convert the website visitors to leads, architects need to use landing pages with forms. Converting a lead—that is, bringing a visitor to your site and getting them to provide their contact information in the form—happens with the use of landing pages. Landing pages are designed for a specific purpose - usually to offer a piece of content. 

Related:Learn more about the Inbound Methodology here

Content Offers

Via landing pages, website visitors will be offered a valuable piece of content—maybe an ebook, a guide, or checklist—that is gated behind a form. Once the visitor fills out the form, they are directed to another landing page where they can download the promised content offer. Give to get, if you will. Content offers are important to the success of converting architecture leads and they must be high-quality, useful, and accurate. Read: Are Blogs outdated?



Image: Flickr Forgemind Archimedia


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